7 Beauty Tips to Preserve, Rejuvenate and Sunproof Your Skin This Summer

Home · 7 Beauty Tips to Preserve, Rejuvenate and Sunproof Your Skin This Summer

It’s summer, and many of us are heading to the beach. After a long, cold winter it’s a relief to spend time outdoors and soak up the sun. However, before you head to Grace Bay — or wherever your favorite beach may be — remember to take care of your skin! Here are a few beauty tips more making sure you preserve and protect your skin while enjoying some fun in the sun.

Why Does Sun Exposure Cause Wrinkles?

Wrinkles and the loss of skin elasticity may seem an inevitable part of aging, but both conditions can be accelerated by exposure to the sun.

The dermis (the outer layer of your skin) contains proteins called collagen and elastins, both of which are essential for keeping your skin firm. Exposure to sunlight speeds the decomposition of these proteins over time. As collagen and elastins are gradually destroyed, eventually you’ll get wrinkles.

Luckily there are things you can do to protect your skin while enjoying basking in the sun:

1. Use Sunscreen

If you’re spending the day on the beach, apply an effective sunscreen. It should be “broad spectrum” to protect against both UVA and UVB light, with at least a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. Be sure to put on your sunscreen around 20 minutes before you head out into the sun.

2. Wear Sunglasses

Sunglasses are typically considered to be fashion accessories, but when it comes to sun care a good pair of sunglasses will help reduce glare and, most importantly, cut down on UV rays. Choose sunglasses that maximize coverage over your eyes.

Also, look for sunglasses that protect you from 99 to 100 percent of both UVA and UVB light. This includes those labeled as “UV 400,” which blocks all light rays with wavelengths up to 400 nanometers — this covers all of UVA and UVB rays.

3. Wear a Hat, Too

Choose a wide-brim hat that looks chic while giving your face and neck excellent protection from those rays. If you are out and about, and fairly active, a fitted cap with a bill may be just the solution.

4. Avoid the Sun at Midday

The strong sunlight that occurs at midday between 10am and 3pm can be particularly harmful to your skin. Take this time to relax indoors, or take an afternoon nap. If you want to stay on the beach, consider retiring to a beach tent, and stay out of the sun.

5. Reapply Sunscreen After Swimming

Make sure you take time to reapply sunscreen after swimming or working out. Sweat and sea water will wash your sunscreen away leaving you vulnerable to the sun, so it pays to be diligent about reapplying sunscreen several times during the day.

6. Wash Off Sunscreen at the End of the Day

After your day in the sun, take the time to wash off your sunscreen and follow up with a hydrating moisturizer to your skin.

How to Recover from a Day Out in the Sun

If you do get sunburned, you’ll want to nourish and soothe your skin. Water plays a surprisingly important role in maintaining the health of your skin. So, for immediate relief, drink plenty of cooling water.

Other helpful remedies like aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil or compresses of cold milk, cucumber, or brewed mint tea can bring very effective relief from a burn.

Spa Services at The Palms Turks and Caicos

An important part of relaxation is the opportunity to completely rest, calm your mind and enhance your overall health. A spa visit can help repair your skin and keep you feeling — and looking — health and young.

If you’re staying at our resort on Grace Bay beach, the therapists at The Spa at The Palms will help you feel completely renewed by the time you leave.

To select one of The Palms Turks and Caicos spa services or to make a group booking, please telephone 866.877.7256, 649-946-8666 or complete the Contact Form.